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Donate to Defenders of Children

Dear friends, old & new:


Here at Defenders of Children, we are only able to continue doing the incredible work of supporting & empowering our clients, most of whom have suffered unspeakable family violence, through funding we receive from those who are inspired to help us help kids. Donating online today is the fastest and easiest way to help us advance our mission to protect children and families from violence, fight for their access to justice, facilitate healing, and end the intergenerational cycle of abuse.


We want you to be a part of our family! Will you stand with us and become a Defender? For those of you prepared to fight for the smallest voices among us, we would be tremendously honored to have your support.


From the bottom of our hearts, thank you for considering Defenders of Children for your charitable donation today.

Donate Now

Your donation through Executive Council Charities receives a partial match of 25%.

I was completely lost in the mazes of Child Protective Services, law enforcement, family court and all the legal speak. Defenders of Children provided the guidance to help my children — a beautiful bright light at the end of a very long, dark tunnel. 

Sarah M.


Defenders of Children is the only organization that has ever helped me help the women and families of the polygamist compounds along the Arizona/Utah border.

Flora Jessop

Survivor and Activist

Without such dedication, my wonderful children would most likely still be subjected to more or even worse attrocities. The world needs more great people like you, who work endlessly to bring justice for the children.

Sam K. 

Adoptive Father

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